Cate Battles
Fine Art & Photography


Meet the artist!

Art has been a lifelong passion of mine, from childhood art camps and college to my first studio in Asheville’s River Arts District. However, my career as an artist “took-off” quite literally when my husband and I sold our business and home, and traded in our sedentary lifestyle for a home on wheels. Our Airstream adventures have taken us over 60,000 miles around North America and we eventually picked Grants Pass, Oregon as our new home-base. The diverse and changing landscapes around the country as well as the freedom of the open road are often the inspiration for my paintings and photography. When we aren’t on the move, I run my art studio in downtown Grants Pass as well as manage our Airstream travel blog, Argosy Odyssey, that features the adventures of Frankie the goat, our trusty travel companion.


Cate Battles
IG: @ArgosyOdyssey
Phone: (317) 417-1711
Studio Address: 432 NW 6th St. Suite #114 GP

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